Play List

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Where, oh where has the time gone?

Ummmm....I have just realized that I haven't posted in a REALLY long time. I've been busy doing nothing, actually. All is well.

Happy Thanksgiving!

And to all a good night! =)

Friday, June 5, 2009

7th Grade Awards

Jillian did it again! She received the Principal's Award for the 2nd year in a row for having the highest average in her class. That's out of about 75-80 students, folks! She had a 98.83%. Wow. So smart. I wonder where she gets it?? She also received awards in Social Studies (top student), responsibility, and for having all A's all year long. She is awesome. Love you, Pookie Sue!

This picture is from the #1 Club Banquet. Jill is getting her award for being in the #1 Club all year.

This is Jill receiving her Principal's Award from Mrs. Turner, the principal at the Middle School.

The third picture is Jill getting her Social Studies award from one of her favorite teachers, Ms. E.

The last picture is Jill posing with all of her awards. She is #1!!!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Spring Fever?

Just random posting. I haven't blogged in a while. Feeling kinda "not right" today. I don't know if it's the pollen or what, but I feel kinda draggy. Hopefully the week off will do me some good.

Saturday, January 31, 2009


I haven't posted in a long while. I really don't know why - busy, I guess. Not much new going on, just the same old, same old. Work is work, home is home, that's about all. I have a few pictures, but they aren't uploaded yet. I will get to them eventually. I can't believe it's the end of January already! Time is flying by and I still am writing 2008 on my checks!

Saturday, December 27, 2008 it really 4am??

Ahhh, it's Christmas morning....barely! Roger had to work Christmas Eve and got home (safely!) at around 4am. Apparently Jillian, (who normally sleeps until 10am) was excited, woke up. So, we started unwrapping presents. Roger and I went back to sleep at around 6am and Jill stayed awake, playing with all of her new gifts. Yay Christmas!

Roxie was so funny. She had to sniff every present after we opened it. She reminds us of Murphy!

Edenton Christmas Parade

Here are a couple of pictures from the 2008 Edenton Christmas parade. You can't see Sally's face too well because her hat created a shadow, but you can still see her smiling face.
Merry Christmas, everybody!