Play List

Saturday, June 21, 2008


It was a rare day around here...we had nothing to do! It was rainy for most of the day, so we just hung out around the house. Roxie was outside, barking like crazy. Curious, (and bored!) we went outside to check out what was making her so crazy. Across the yard was a rabbit. So, Roger decided put the leash on the dog and let her chase it. (Dumb, we know) With a firm grip, Roger held on for dear life as Roxie bolted across the yard after the rabbit! It was so funny. I guess you had to be there, but hey, when in the country, well, act like the natives! Shooo-weeee!

If you squint, you can almost see the picture of the rabbit.

Roxie and Roger looking for the "wascally wabbit!"

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